Basement Safety visits by The Health and Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive have recently carried out inspections of basement projects across London. Out of 107 sites visited enforcement action was taken on 36 sites. This is where works were deemed to be so dangerous that works were stopped with immediate effect.

Whilst basement works have risks, if they are well planned and carried out by an experienced contractor, such as London Basement, risks can be minimised. All of the London Basement projects visited by the HSE were given a clean bill of health and one of the HSE inspectors returned the following day with a junior colleague to show them how basement projects should be done.

London Basement are determined to be driving the standards that should be demanded for basement projects to ensure the safety of our clients, workforce, local residents and properties.

Dont take our word for it, if you want to check the safety record of your potential basement contractor, look them up on



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